Pavement Marking Removal - your one stop shop for blast removal of markings from ashpalt and concrete for traffic re-alignment, intersection changes, temporary, and "no longer required" road and parking lot markings. Our removal options are highly effective on most types of markings without significant scarring of the surface and minimal removal of fines and aggregate.
MTO Approved
We are a member of The Road Authority and use MTO approved equipment, methods and blast media, as well as traditional blast media and grinding.
Fully Equipped
Four fully equipped mobile units capable of minor traffic control configurations servicing all of Ontario
Effective Results
Our removal options are highly effective on most types of markings without significant scarring of the road surfaces
Removals of pavement markings with soda and or lime are highly effective on most types of markings without significant scarring of the road surfaces. These medias are environmentally friendly and require very minimal if any cleanup. Sand blast removal of markings can be much faster but generally is more destructive to the asphalt surfaces and also requires more cleanup. Unlike grinding, blast removal of pavement markings, road markings and parking lot lines does not leave shadows or undesired markings which can confuse drivers.
Blast removal of Pavement Markings with Armex® Baking Soda & Imery® Calcium Carbonate blast medias are techniques recognized and approved by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation. Our firm is MTO approved for these services. Please refer to the TRA (The Roads Authority) for more details. Our mobile truck unit comes equipped with an Armex 12sx, #8 Nozzle, 375 cfm compressor and we are capable of minor traffic control configurations (we have flashing strobe lights, pylons, TC 2,3,4 and Traffic Manual 7 available). Our capabilities are small to mid size applications as our production rate ranges up to about 50m per hour, for larger jobs requiring multiple blast rigs please inquire.